LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS offers an e-mail management platform that allows:
- The registration of mail (mail number, date of arrival, sender, recipient, nature, category, priority, amplification, confidentiality, degree of urgency, observation, object, etc.);
- Digitization of couriers;
- couriers processing;
- Dissemination of couriers by e-mail;
- Annotation of couriers;
- Real-time couriers tracking;
- Printing of couriers;
- Couriers archiving.
- Dashboard per user (couriers processed, couriers in progress, late couriers, incoming couriers, outgoing couriers, statistics, etc.);
- Couriers Processing Planning
- Possibility to import and attach to couriers all types of office documents;
- Ability to generate template letters;
- Management of couriers statuses (To be processed, in circuit, awaiting response, awaiting instruction, to be sent, processed, closed, archived, archived, etc.);
- Priority management;
- Management of temporary workers’ accounts;
- Contact management;
- Historical;
- Notification;
- Statistics;
- Advanced document search function;
- Management of users, profiles and permissions;
- Settings;
- Entity management and organizational chart;
- The platform contains a mobile version;
- The platform is multilingual with French and Arabic and the possibility to add English;
- The platform contains 2 interfaces (a user interface and an administrator interface).
- The platform allows Electronic Document Management – EDM.