To enable its customers to achieve their IT performance objectives, LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS relies on quality as a differentiating factor and real added value of its services. Its strong commitment to perfection allows it to deliver excellent IT services and ensures that its production processes are of perfect quality.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS offers its customers a complete offer to help them better optimize their resources, have an excellent structuring of production processes and ensure better creativity and strong competitiveness.
Thus, the LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS offer is characterized by :
- An original approach where for each client we propose an offer dedicated to him according to his needs, his budget and his professional requirements.
- The provision for our customers of the human, technical and financial resources necessary for them to achieve excellence. Teams that, beyond their technical skills, have real human qualities allowing the realization of our services in a harmonious and serene environment.
- We are committed to providing our customers with high added value by remaining attentive to market and technological developments : innovation & adaptation are the key words of our offers.
- We enter into long-lasting relationships with our customers based on trust, proximity, availability, listening, support and professionalism.
- We are committed to achieving complete satisfaction for our customers by respecting the commitments made with them and we ensure real-time monitoring of their new needs as well as punctual processing of any complaints.
Thus, our approach puts in place various documents and procedures to guarantee the conformity and quality of the product:
- a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)..
- a Software Integration and Development Plan or “SIDP”.
- a Production Plan per Unified Process – LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS.
- risk management according to the AMDEC method.
- the implementation of a traceability and anomaly analysis process.