LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS offers hospitals a Integrated Medical Platform – IME allowing, on the one hand, the improvement of the quality of care provided to patients and, on the other hand, the optimization of the internal functioning of the Hospital, particularly in terms of:
- Administrative management: patient file management, admissions and discharge offices.
- Financial management: accounting, auditing and budgetary oversight of the Hospital.
- Commercial management: invoicing, cash register, stock management & drug orders.
- Human resources and performance management: payroll, career, training, motivation…
- Production management: management and planning of the hospital’s activities.
- Medical management: imaging, laboratory, medical monitoring process by type of pathology, integration of a drug database, management of nomenclatures, etc.
- Management of the medical park: medical materials, equipment, tools…
- Business intelligence: Dashboards, performance indicators, exploitation of statistics and data exports.
- Transversal modules: Settings, Authorizations, Desktop Management, Backup, Data Security and Messaging.
- Skills transfer, training and documentation.
- Maintenance management.
It is very clear that the advantages of this Medical Platform are very important both in terms of quality of patient follow-up and in terms of functional performance of the hospital, particularly in terms of organization and planning of hospital activities, reduction of workload and time savings, control of expenses, management of drug stocks, management of human resources and improvement of the quality of care, etc.