LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is a company providing IT services and strategic management and operations.
It designs and implements innovative processes, methods and solutions to help its clients with:
- Implementation of strategies;
- Translation of strategies into concrete projects and actions;
- Implementation and monitoring and evaluation of projects and action plans;
- Strategic and operational management of the Departments;
- Coordination of government action;
- Improved performance and good governance;
- Realization of large-scale IT projects;
- Accelerate digital transformation.
As a result, LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is a leader in the implementation of strategies and systems for monitoring and evaluating Public Action Plans. It is a publisher of IT solutions for the management and coordination of Government Action.
It responds to the changing landscape of the public sector to support it in achieving its strategic objectives by relying on unprecedented technological and managerial expertise.
It deploys processes to ensure alignment between the Strategic Vision drawn up by the Public Decision Maker (President, Prime Minister, members of the government, etc.) and the Actions of its implementation by the various collaborators for the purpose of achieving strategic objectives.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is also an accelerator of digital transformation through its ability to translate digital strategies into real value-added projects on the economy.
Through a business-oriented positioning, LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS has extensive know-how on the implementation of digital strategies, operational and methodological approaches to carry out and support digital transformation projects.
Our services dedicated to digital transformation allow the Public Administration to reinvent itself by exploiting and mastering the latest technologies, metadata analysis, Big Data, artificial intelligence, the Cloud and Cybersecurity…
In addition, our approach is to define with each player in the public sector its digital transformation strategy.
We then prioritize their goals and provide them with the technology, expertise and partners they need to achieve their goals. This is what we call support for digital transformation.
We help private and public organizations achieve their goals on time and at the lowest cost.
This is done by optimizing their production process, exploiting decision-making tools, using strategic and operational management & conduct methods that allow the organization to accelerate its digital transformation, increase production, amplify its performance and improve its competitiveness.
To accomplish this work, we mobilize and orchestrate multiple skills ranging from strategy, management, human resources management, financial management, marketing, communication and the exploitation of IT power and decision-making tools, monitoring and evaluation and strategic and operational management.
A set of tools that allow us to be operational at all levels.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS also helps its public sector customers both in their digital & strategic transformation programs and on highly specialized support missions: solution development projects and IT platforms, implementation of strategic and operational control rooms, implementation of IT parks and secure Data Centers, robust and efficient.
We intervene on a daily basis on all phases of major projects of major players in all private and public technology sectors.
In the same context, LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS provides its customers with several service centers covering all operational fields in their sectors of activity and up to training and skills development.
It also provides its customers with the skills and know-how of its vast network of international partners present in 120 countries and on 5 continents.

LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is an attentive, responsible and committed company to everything it undertakes. We place our responsibility and credibility at the heart of each of our decisions.
In everything we do, we seek honesty, sincerity, fairness and integrity. We are committed to providing our customers with optimal and sustainable solutions.
We ensure the quality and performance of the products and services we sell. Mutual respect and the achievement of results in time and quality are the mottos of our company.
In terms of confidentiality, LLEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is committed to protecting the professional secrets of its customers. We build strong, lasting and trusting relationships with our clients: ensuring the security and confidentiality of our clients’ projects and business data is a duty and a top priority for us.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS complies with all regulatory and legislative provisions relating to data protection and professional secrecy and also complies with the ethical rules laid down by the ordinal bodies representing the IT professions.
With its values, LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS is concerned about the interests of its customers and their projects.
Our approach aims to maintain a long-term relationship of trust with each of our private customers, public authorities, subcontractors, etc.
All our actions are aimed at improving the technical environments of our customers and optimizing their performance and production.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS builds strong and lasting relationships with its customers, based on mutual trust: ensuring the security and confidentiality of its customers’ data is an absolute priority for LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS complies with all national and international regulatory and legislative provisions relating to the protection of customers’ personal and professional data.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS also complies with the ethical rules laid down by the ordinal bodies representing the IT professions.
LEADERTECH-SOLUTIONS applies an extremely strict and uncompromising policy to guarantee the protection of its customers’ data and to ensure transparent, confidential and secure treatment of this data.